Future development change + description change

So, after hearing much feedback, I thought a bit about the future of this game.

The initial goal of this game was to be a simple kinetic novel with very little choice that may not even matter.

However, after the initial release, I began questioning myself because, with so many love interests, the interaction between them should not be fixed.

Imagine rejecting a love interest multiple times, and even after that, they continue offering sex again and again. It just doesn't make sense.

I even unconsciously added an option for players to reject their first sexual encounter with Malena.

Having some degree of dynamic should make the relationships more natural and not just force unwanted development onto the player.

This is why from now on, I will describe the game as "semi-kinetic" (I made this shit up). This will be the direction I'm taking.

The definition of "semi-kinetic" is written in the plot section of the description.

*Oh yeah, I also added current and future tags to the description.

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(1 edit)

It's a fair starting point, the definition of "kinetic" isn't well-defined anyway.

For first time developers, either a 100% kinetic novel or a singular storyline with options to reject certain LIs has the best chance for success.

Sandboxes and multi-storylines usually get implemented badly by inexperienced developers resulting in abandonment as frustration sets in.

Also don't get bamboozed by vocal minorities. Kinetic, branching VN, sandbox etc. each attract fans and haters. Some players go berserk and bomb the developer when they don't get what they want which can hide real feedback from silent majority.

Take reference from dependable data points like polling, number of downloads, aggregate rating scores, patreon supporters' interaction, word cloud of written reviews etc.

All the best!